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Girl Tree

Girl Tree

Many years ago, my daughter, Ryley, was feeling outnumbered by all the boys in our home. She was drowning in the sea of testosterone that flows through our home and that year she’d had enough. I can’t totally remember now, but I’m thinking she was 

Recipe: Pumpkin Bars & fresh whipped cream

Recipe: Pumpkin Bars & fresh whipped cream

One of the best things about having lived in so many different places is the different recipes I’ve come across. I’ve been so blessed to know some very talented women who have all been very generous in sharing their recipes with me. Case in point, 

Fall Buffet

Seeing as how Christmas is upon us, I thought it was time to show you the only decorating I have done in my house in the last 3 months. I actually have the Christmas boxes in the house and I plan to change this up 

Sew what?!

  After my last sad sack of a post, I’m happy to report that life is returning to normal and we are moving towards getting settled into our new home. The daughter has left the building. She is off on her mission adventure. During the 

What’s up? Chicken Butt.

What’s up? Chicken Butt.

Sheesh. A girl moves to a new house and the next thing you know, she ups and disappears on you. So, you may or may not have wondered where I disappeared to.  If  you haven’t wondered, well, I’m going to tell you anyway. Allow me 

Master Bedroom Makeover–The Reveal

I hate calling this post a “Reveal” because this room is not quite the end vision I had in mind. It’s pretty close, but due to one of those life-has-other-plans-for-you moments, this is the most “reveal” I can show. If you are new here, you 

Our new old home

Well, life sure has a way of setting a girl back a bit. I’d meant to share the final room reveal of my master bedroom in August, but between all the driving, packing, moving and sickness, I just didn’t get around to it. Something about 

master bedroom makeover–pallet board shelf

I know I should be packing boxes, but where’s the fun in that? Nowhere. Twenty moves in the last twenty-five years has burned that truth into my soul. I thought I’d show you the pallet board shelf I whipped up a couple of weeks ago. 

I blame the garden

I blame the garden

We recently received a letter that changed our lives. I won’t go into the details, but let me just sum up by saying we will be moving again. In five weeks or less.

master bedroom makeover – drop cloth subway art

As part of my bedroom makeover, I wanted to create some personalized art. I fell in love with the Subway Sign Art 95th from Restoration Hardware. I was not, however, $850 worth of in-love with it I set out to create my own version and