Summer Wreath
A few months back, I picked up this straw wreath for $2 at a close-out sale from the local Flower Factory.
I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with it, but I knew I wanted to use it for a summer wreath. I started by covering the wreath with some leftover swimsuit material I had from when I made my cast cover.
I actually goofed when cutting the fabric and it wasn’t big enough to go around the whole wreath. Being the creative girl that I am, I made it work by stapling the fabric onto the wreath and then gluing a section of fabric over the open area.
I gathered the fabric as I stapled it so the bumpy texture of the wreath is less noticeable.
Many, many, MANY staples gave their lives for this project. I do NOT recommend this method to anyone, lest you think this is an endorsement. I was just determined to use the fabric and after a nasty burn with the glue gun, I needed to find a way to temporarily hold the fabric on that wouldn’t result in further injury to yours truly.
I may have mentioned it a time or fifty, but I’m a complete klutz at times.
I got this far and then inspiration fled like the supporters of a scandalized politician. It just went out the door and refused to come back.
Since it was swimsuit material, I tried to think of swimming things but everything I came up with was too cutesy and too little-kiddish. I did think it’d be cute with a little beach ball, sand pail and shovel and sun glasses and baby flip-flops on it. I just wasn’t in love with the idea for our house.
I finally came up with a solution, when I found a strand of flowers and blueberry clusters at JoAnn’s for 50% off. I broke out the glue gun again, and I even managed to stay burn free this time around.
I also found the glass butterflies at JoAnn’s for $1.50/each. The mini chalkboard sign was $1.
This is the only picture that really shows what the fabric looks like. It’s little tiny silver dots on a black background.
I recycled the ribbon from a box of chocolates that my boss sent to me on Administrative Professional’s day.
I love the colors and how it turned out.
I’d love to put some pots of flowers on our step, but it’s just too narrow for that. Plus we’re still planning on moving into a new house this summer, so I don’t want to invest in this home.
What’d you think? Does it look like summer to you?
Cost Breakdown:
Straw Wreath – $2.00
Flowers and greenery – $6.50
Butterflies – $3.00
Mini Sign – $1.00
Fabric and Ribbon – Stash on hand
Total Project Cost – $12.50
Total Project Time – About 2 hours.
Please check out the wonderful parties on my side bar!