Copperized Medallion Wall Plant Hanger Thingy

One of my garage saling adventures this past spring had me acquiring this little goodie:
If you’re wondering what it is, I will tell you that it is NOT a torture device to shackle your wayward kids to the wall, as mine suspected it might be. Not that it couldn’t be used for that, mind  you. Just  make sure you secure it to the wall really well, if that’s how you want to use it.
It’s a plant holder…thingy. There’s three chains on it and they are meant to attach to a plant pot
Which is not to be confused with a Pot Plant. Speaking of pot plants, back in the ’70s, when I was in junior high school (no sniggering, please. I’m not THAT old), my mom stumbled upon this cute little “tomato” plant growing by the neighbor’s fence. 
This is what an actual “Cute Little Tomato Plant” looks like.
Being a lover of all things growing, she brought it in and watered it and took care of it for several day/weeks/months (no one really knows how long it was in the house). My oldest sister was getting a drink of water one day and spied Mom’s plant. 
“Mom?” she asked. “Um, where did you get this plant?” 
Mom said, “I found it over by the neighbor’s fence. Isn’t it the cutest little tomato plant?”
 NOT a cute little tomato plant, but rather a bold impostor!
 Our Mormon mother was growing pot! 
 (If your religion prohibits the use of coffee and tea, you can imagine how cannabis fares)
It still makes me laugh–almost as much as the time my Mom watered a silk plant for a couple of months before realizing she’d bought a fake plant. 
I love you, Mommy!
Before  you think I’m a mean daughter for telling this story, let me assure you that my Mom is probably giggling about it, even as she reads this.

Back to the project. I bought this at the very beginning of my copper phase. I sprayed it with my Hammered Copper spray paint and did the same verdigris finish I have done. Look here, here aaaaaaaaand here.
The results?
Short of drawing you a diagram, let me try to explain the problem I have in my home. My entry way, kitchen, dining room, living room and sun room basically flow from the front of the house to the back. Imagine a long rectangle with light on only the short ends. I do have sky lights in the living room, but this time of year when Ohio is under cloud cover, they just don’t let much light in. I do have windows in the rooms off of this main area, but if the doors to those rooms are closed, it’s very dark in the main living area of the home. This is not an environment conducive to actual plant–or human–life. 
Enter, faux Buxus Sempervirens (read: fake boxwood). I copperized a plastic pot, but I did not do the verdigris technique. The chains on my medallion wall plant hanger thingy did not come with any hooks, so I made some simple S-shaped hooks from some copper wire I had on hand. I left them shiny because I was too lazy focused on finishing to break out the paints. I figured they’d be hidden by the plant, anyway, so why bother?
I stuck a plastic grocery bag in the bottom of the pot to make my styrofoam ball sit up a little higher. I stripped off the little pieces from some faux boxwood I bought from the Mother Ship (Hobby Lobby) when they had a buy-one-get-one-free sale. I had some moss stuff that was white that I spritzed with some dark spray paint I had on hand. I used the moss to cover the white of the styrofoam a bit. After I got all the pieces stuck in the ball, this is what it looked like.

My plant has Bald-man-itis! I got a little too carried away in getting them so close together. I  thinned the plant and rearranged the pieces.
Much better.

Like my attempt at branding here?
I put it all together and this is what I have:
This medallion wall plant hanger thingy has a very small area in the back to attach it to the wall. If I wanted to hang the weight of a real plant off this hanger, I need to invest in some Hercules Hooks to do that. It’s kind of a strange-looking/interesting plant hanger. I just stuck it up on a blank space of wall I had to see how I liked it.
Ack – “You do not see all that dust on her table top,” she said doing her best Obi-Wan Kenobi impersonation, complete with Jedi Mind trick hand wave.
Besides realizing I need to dust, I see I need to pay some attention to this area. I just set a bunch of my black and white pictures in this area and threw some other things on there that I didn’t know where to put and then ignored this spot in my living room.
The window with the Ikea print in it is from the 60+ windows I rescued back when I lived in Idaho. You can read about that here.
My copperized Medallion Wall Plant Hanger Thingy is growing on me. I think it may actually look better outside. Since everything is kind of temporary in this house, I’m not all that motivated to move it. But I love the copper finish on it. It’s so much better than the bronzy-gold/black “antiqued” ’70s finish it had before.
So, if you ever come across a medallion wall plant hanger thingy some day, you now know what to do with it.
Cost Breakdown:
Medallion Wall Plant Hanger Thingy- $.25
Plastic Boxwood Bush – $7.99 for 2
Styrofoam Ball – $4.00
Spray Paint, Moss and Wire – Stock on hand
Total Project Cost – $12.24
Total Project Time – 1 hour
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