State of the Blog

Merry Christmas! If you are still around after my months of neglect and sporadic posting, then I am truly grateful to you. Thank you for being interested enough to stick with me. Blogging has been difficult for me this year. Between remodeling a house on my own, moving across the country, being together again as a family after nine months of separation, kids coming and going and coming home again, adjusting to a new home, starting a part-time job, well, let’s just say this has been a year for the books.
I’ve been struggling with my mental health for the last few months. I haven’t been in a deep depression, but I’ve been in enough of a funk that I haven’t wanted to do things that I normally do that give me pleasure. Blogging and doing projects and sharing what I know is something that normally gives me pleasure, but then it didn’t. It became a chore and something that felt like more than I could do at the moment. And let’s face it, no one wants to read a post written by Debby Downer.
For the record, I am getting help for my depression. It’s a lifelong thing with me and I know those things I need to do to break the cycle. I have an amazing support system around me and I’m doing those things that I know I need to do to keep myself in a good state of mind. So even though I struggle, please know that I am working on it.
If you follow me on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, you may have seen that I’ve tried to do some microblogging through my social media accounts. If you want to keep up with my life and projects, be sure to follow me on one of those platforms. That’s what I can handle right now.
I needed a coat rack in this spot. I used up a scrap of my barn wood and some vintage hooks I’ve had for far too long waiting for a project. #itswhatido #hometalkeveryday #diy #diyproject #repurpose
I’m taking a break and giving myself permission to rest and regroup. It’s what I need for me to get my feet back under me. I’m also developing a plan for how to go forward with my blog. I want to put some thought into how I accomplish my goals and plans for this blog. Rest assured, I will be back. There are too many projects and too much I have to share, but for now, know that I’m trying to rest and allow myself the peace of knowing I’m taking care of myself.
Today’s pillow is a repurposed sweater and the stuffing from a thrifted pillow. My son asked me where we got such a sweater, I said, “the Eighties!” #everythingoldisnewagain #repurposed #diycraft #hometalkeveryday #iloveit #sosquishy
It’s a hard concept and one I’ve struggled with most of my life. I’m a rock star at taking care of others, but taking care of myself is something that I’ve yet to get the hang of. I am improving my physical health because I know that will have a direct impact on my mental health. I’m not really one for New Year’s resolutions because I know myself. I most likely won’t keep them. That said, I am at a point in my life where I’m looking to simplify and spend my time focusing on those things that bring me joy and peace.
Speaking of peace and joy, I’d be horribly remiss if I didn’t #sharethegift of the season that is the greatest source of peace and joy in my life.
I know that God’s love for each of us is real. I’ve felt it too many times in my life to ever say differently. I know He loves me and that He knows me as a person. He knows my strengths and my weaknesses and He knows the desires of my heart. He loves me in spite of my failings and He only asks that I keep trying. Because He loves me, He had a plan before the world was formed, to help me return to Him someday. That plan included sending His son to earth to provide a way for me to return home.
At this Christmas time, I am especially reminded how much that love for me is real. I am humbled by the love He has for me and that my Savior was willing to take that burden on for me as well as for each of you. If I could give you any gift this season, it would be the knowledge that you are loved by our Heavenly Father and His son, Jesus Christ. There is a plan for each of us. I’m trying my best to discover those things I know my Heavenly Father wants me to do, to be the daughter he sent me here on earth to be.
I pray for the peace and love and joy of the season to be with you. Thank you for your continued support, encouragement and friendship. It’s one of the great blessings of my life to have so many amazing people that I can call “friend.”
Merry Christmas and all the best to you in the new year!