Tag: family

Friday Night Lights

Friday Night Lights

It’s 5:30 p.m. on a Friday night. I’m sitting in my truck in the high school parking lot, watching the Pride of the Valley, the Clear Fork High School Marching Band practice for its performance for tonight’s football game.

Three Things I’ve Learned as a Mother

Three Things I’ve Learned as a Mother

This is my 23rd Mother’s Day. I’m not one of those girls who always wanted to be a mother. Most of my childhood was spent helping to raise my younger siblings. I had things I wanted to do, places I wanted to see, things I 

A Plague on My House

Pity Party? Table for One. Right this way. I’m not sure if I’m really having a pity party so much as a seriously worn out party. Feel free to grab some cheese while you read this post because it will go well with my whine. 

Aunts Against Drunk Drivers

This time last year, I was on my way to the store to pick up some groceries.  I will often use my driving time to call someone and that day, I called my sister, Nancy. She’s my sister just older than me and is the 

Fur Child

Meet Brutus, aka Fur Child. We got Brutus back in 2007 after we moved to Idaho from Ohio. His official name is Brutus, The Buckeye Beagle. Man Child named him. He was homesick and mad that we moved him from his beloved Ohio during his 

Be Warned…This Will Happen to You!

Do you have children? Are they still toddling around the house getting into things they shouldn’t? Do they jump up on the dining room table and yell, “Spider Alert! SPIDER Alert! SPIDER ALERT!” at the top of their lungs until you come kill the spider