Surviving the Dish Apocalypse & Guest Posting

Today’s post is a slap of reality. You know, just in case you were under the serious delusion that I somehow have it all together – Ha!(I can’t even type that without spontaneous Ha’s typing out my fingers at such a ludicrous thought).

See, I can craft with the best of them. I am creative and can work up some serious mojo when it comes to taking something ugly and abused and turning it into something lovely and valuable. I can even do that with new stuff too. I’m versatile that way.

But apparently, I can’t do all of that and the dishes, too. All of these? Sure, they are clean. Now.

Last night and the night before that and the night before that and maybe even the night before that…or two…not so much. Imagine the zombie apocalypse of dishes over here on this side of the sink.

It was ugly, people. So ugly, I may or may not have avoided the kitchen for the last three days. And fed my family fast food. I know. *Sigh* Don’t judge, ‘kay? It happens.

So, now my dirty dish side of the sink is clean once again. For now. Come 3 p.m. when the vultures descend hunting for an afternoon snack? Start of the apocalypse.

Looking at these pictures, I’ve noticed a couple of other things:

A. I should probably clean out the blender before the three-day old smoothie tries to start an apocalyptic uprising in the fridge.

B. Fur Child needs more treats. Add that to today’s grocery list. Urgh. “Grocery Shopping,” she said in her best Newman/Seinfeld voice.

C. Halloween buckets as an Easter basket are all on trend these days. What? You missed that memo? Hmmm. I think mine is sitting there in that pile of papers.

D. That pile of papers? Another zombie apocalypse in the making. I’ll get right on that. Ha!

See? I’m just like you. Unless you happen to be able to craft/create/build/sew/design/blog/work AND still have a clean house. In that case, we are nuh-huh-thing alike. And I may hate you a little bit. But just a little and I’ll get over it.

In other news, my chair is being featured over at My Repurposed Life today! Woo Hoo!

If you are curious to see how my little $8 chair turned out, all while avoiding my dishes, head over to Gail’s blog to check it out.


If you are visiting from My Repurposed Life, and are looking to see how I designed the fabric for the chair, head over to my Master Bedroom Makeover – Custom Design post to see how I did it. I’ll give you a hint. A Sharpie was involved.

Anyone else hate dishes? Please say it’s not just me. Even if you have to lie to let me live in my own little delusion. I’m okay with a little white lie. Honest.


Thank you for reading Frou-FruGal. For more projects, please click to my site,