Ohio Fall & Front Door Update

It’s a beautiful day again in my neck of the woods.

Fall has come to Ohio. I was walking to the house yesterday and I couldn’t help but notice how pretty the trees are right now. This is the view from my house.

Here’s another view.

With the lovely weather, you’d think that I could be out enjoying it. Most of yesterday was spent inside painting the house. But in the morning, I worked on the front door.

Here’s where we are today.

The color on the door and side lights is an oops color. It was supposed to be the color of the house, but I grabbed the wrong paint swatch. Since I didn’t want to buy more paint, I went ahead and used it for the door and side lights.

What I really want is this (if only painting were as easy as Paint.NET):

It’s a color Baby Girl and I like to call Ugly Yellow. So ugly it’s cute. Actually this color is not quite Ugly Yellow, which is more of a dried mustard color. We have dark green shutters, so all the colors all go well together. Maybe in the Spring, we’ll shoot for a brighter color.

For now, I’m elbow deep in paint with my kitchen, living room, office and Kiddo’s room all waiting for their turn with my brush. Oh, and the master bedroom also needs to be painted.

The kitchen is looking good. It’s amazing how much a simple change in paint can alter a whole space. You only need to look at that yellow door to see what I mean.

I still need to scrape paint off of glass. I’d much rather scrape paint than tape off all those squares. While I’m scraping, at least I’ll have a great view.

Have a great weekend.


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