Viva La Pumpkin!
I did it. Just like that, as bold as a brass lamp from the Goodwill, I marched right up to my fence and liberated that poor, homeless pumpkin.
From her humble beginnings in a trash heap, she yearned to be liberated from her lowly station to become a StAr!
Her deepest fear was the death sentence imposed on her cousin.
For the crime of excessive cuteness, this poor pumpkin is now serving time between bars.
If you read my Pumpkins Gone Wild post, you will recall that I had issues about whether I could claim the pumpkin as my own, as it was from my neighbor’s yard, but growing on my side of the fence. Obviously, I built a bridge and got over it because here she now sits in my home, awaiting her transformation.
At first I wasn’t sure what type of treatment this little girl would get.
I could do one of my tried-and-true fall pumpkin treatments, like one of these pumpkin designs that I have done in years past:
However, I quickly realized that this little sweetie wanted something more.
She wanted a level of Froufing and bling yet to be achieved by those pedestrian pumpkins.
This little girl is special and she wants the world to know it.
She wanted the Full Liberace Treatment, thankyouverymuch.
You really need to watch up to :57 of this, and it really gets fun about the 1:30 mark.
Years ago I bought these sequins at a craft store for $1.00. Every year I’ve wanted to use them, but I never found the right pumpkin for them. Finally, this is the year! Next, I broke out my straight pins and some seed beads and went to work.
Several hours later, we have success. Without further ado, I give you the
newly liberated, fully Liberace-d Lady of the Day.
I know, right?! Isn’t she GOR.GEOUS?
The copper sequins and the colored beads have this girl just as loud and proud as she could be. Long are the days of the trash heap. This sweetie is ready for her close-up, Mr. DeMille.
Look at those flashes of color. It matches all the glass I have in my windows (check out my Invisible Window Shelves for more pictures).
Like Liberace said, “Well, look me over. I didn’t get dressed like this to get unnoticed!”
What’s that you say? You want to see more? She’ll gladly oblige.
On a side note, I was taking pictures of my little lady,
when I noticed something amiss with one of my plants.
Do you see all the short leaves here? Spider plants are NOT supposed to look like this.
Someone gave my plant a hair cut. I have a sneaky suspicion I know who.
Don’t let that innocent face fool you. Fur Child likes to pull these kind of stunts to make me crazy. I’m not sure what he did. Do Beagles even eat spider plants? I know they’ll eat an entire pizza if someone leaves the box too close to the edge of the counter given the chance. I didn’t see him do it, but I do know that somehow, he’s to blame.
Pumpkin – Stolen Liberated for FREE
Pins – $1.67
Sequins and Beads – Stash on hand
Total Project Time – An episode or two of White Collar and Covert Affairs.